Donations. How to become a Donor?

Academic Solutions Academy is a free public Charter School High School and welcomes collaborating with the community to grow the program. We ask you to make a contribution, no matter how small. By donating, you will insure that affordable, high-quality education is an option for more families.

You can share this campaign with your colleagues, friends, family or anyone who may share in a similar passion (or might like to help).

We appreciate any amount as it helps our students with minimal items such as uniforms and supplies. In addition, some of the donation will help improve our classrooms and help students with College Scholarships.

Further, we are fundraising to guarantee teacher benefits for the upcoming school year. These additional funds are needed to insure the affordability and the future growth of the school.

We are a 501(3) (c) not for profit institution. Any donation is tax deductible, and a letter of acknowledging for your gift and its amount will be sent to you.


Thank you for your contribution!

Please make check payable to: Academic Solutions Academy
Please send check to:
10044 NW 31st St Coral Springs, FL 33065

Thank you,

ASA Administration